416 research outputs found

    Diseño y cálculo de una estructura metálica para una piscina cubierta

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    [ES] Este Trabajo Final de Grado consiste en el diseño y cálculo de la estructura aérea metálica de una piscina cubierta, con la capacidad de cumplir los requisitos de resistencia, rigidez, estabilidad y durabilidad que exige la normativa vigente en lo referente a estructuras metálicas. El proyecto incluye el diseño de un proyecto propio de piscina cubierta, que incluye vestuarios, gimnasio y cafetería. A continuación al proyecto se le dotará de una estructura metálica conformada a partir de perfiles de acero unidos mediante soldadura, con entidad suficiente para soportar las acciones derivadas de su uso, sus materiales y la acción del viento y la nieve en fachadas y cubierta. Según el libro Introducción a las estructuras de edificación, "la estructura es la parte del edificio que se encarga de recibir las cargas que actúan sobre el edificio y transmitirlas al terreno, permitiendo con ello construir un espacio habitable libre de obstáculos en su interior" (Adolfo Alonso Durá et al., 2009, p.17). Es decir, en este proyecto se busca proyectar la parte del edificio que va a sustentarlo y a permitir que se desarrolle en el mismo una actividad con garantías de seguridad.[EN] This End of Degree Project consist in the design and calculation of the aerial metalic structure of an indoor pool, which must be able to accomplish conditions of resistance, stability and durability required by regulations. The project includes the design of the swimming pool, which includes locker rooms, a gym and cafeteria. This building will then be completed with a steel structure, resistant enough to sustain the weight of its components, its use, the weight of snow on its roof and the horizontal force of the wind on the façade. According to the book Introducción a las Estructuras de Edificación "la estructura es la parte del edificio que se encarga de recibir las cargas que actúan sobre el edificio y transmitirlas al terreno, permitiendo con ello construir un espacio habitable libre de obstáculos en su interior". Therefore, the project seeks to accomplish the design of the part of the building that will sustain it and allow it to be used safely.Mendoza Pérez, M. (2016). Diseño y cálculo de una estructura metálica para una piscina cubierta. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/98393TFG

    Unveiling the structural transformations of the PW11Co@ZIF-67 nanocomposite induced by thermal treatment

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    A guest@host POM@ZIF nanocomposite—PW11Co@ZIF-67—has been synthesized using an in situ strategy. This new nanocomposite exhibits (i) individually ZIF-67-cage-confined POM units, (ii) structural defects in the ZIF-67 host induced by the POM, and (iii) charge transfer from the ZIF-67 to the confined POM. In addition, it has served as a template to produce a set of derived samples by applying thermal treatment at various temperatures (200, 400, 500, 600, and 950 °C) under a N2 flow. We have used multiple characterization techniques, ICP-OES, CHNS analysis, XPS, ATR-IR, PXRD, Raman spectroscopy, N2/ CO2 adsorption analysis, CV, and TEM/EDS, to fully assess the thermally-induced variation tendencies. The first two derivatives—D200 and D400—show the same nanoarrangement as the PW11Co@ZIF-67 precursor, although with incipient signs of both POM and ZIF-67 structural decompositions. The following samples—D500, D600, and D950—exhibit a carbonaceous nature consisting of C-embedded compositionally complex nanoparticles that involve Co and W present as diverse species, metallic/oxide/phosphate/ phosphide. D500 presents the best intrinsic electrochemistry, probably due to the high proportion of pyridinic N moieties doping its C matrix combined with small-sized and highly dispersed Co-enriched nanoparticles. This study focuses on the need for a thorough physicochemical characterization of this class of highly nanostructured materials with a view to exploring their application in electrocatalysis.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016422European CommissionPortuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyEuropean Commission UIDB/50006/2020 UIDP/50006/2020 2021.00771.CEECIND/CP1662/CT0007 CEECIND/03877/2018 CEECIND/00793/201

    Determination of biosorption mechanism in biomass of agave, using spectroscopic and microscopic techniques for the purification of contaminated water

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    [Abstract] Lead (Pb2+) and copper (Cu2+) are polluting metals due to their toxicity; however, the extraction of these metals is essential for economic development, so it is important to look for efficient and low-cost alternatives that can remove heavy metals from the various bodies of water. One of the alternatives used in this work is biosorption, for which an agroindustrial waste (epidermis from Agave atrovirens) was used to evaluate the affinity of removal of lead and copper in aqueous solutions; in addition, spectroscopy and microscopy techniques were used to elucidate and corroborate the removal and affinity capacity of the agave epidermis for both metals studied. The optimal pH value for the removal of both metals was 3. The adsorption isotherms yielded a qmax of 25.7 and 8.6 mg/g for lead and copper, respectively. Adjusting to the Langmuir-Freundlich model, the adsorption kinetics were pseudo-second order, and it was found that the equilibrium time was at 140 min. The spectroscopy and microscopy analyses corroborated the affinity between metals and functional groups of the agave, as well as with the elemental analysis, which reported 17.38% of lead and 4.25% of copper.[Resumen] El plomo (Pb2+) y el cobre (Cu2+) son metales contaminantes debido a su toxicidad; sin embargo, la extracción de estos metales es indispensable para el desarrollo económico, por lo que es importante buscar alternativas eficientes y de bajo costo que puedan remover metales pesados de los diversos cuerpos de agua. Una de las alternativas utilizadas en este trabajo es la biosorción, para la cual se utilizó un residuo agroindustrial (epidermis de Agave atrovirens), para evaluar la afinidad de remoción del plomo y cobre en soluciones acuosas; adicionalmente, se emplearon técnicas de espesctroscopía y microscopía que permitieron elucidar y corroborar la capacidad de remoción y afinidad que tuvo la epidermis de A. atrovirens para ambos metales estudiados. El valor óptimo de pH para la remoción de ambos metales fue 3. Las isotermas de adsorción arrojaron una qmax de 25.7 y 8.6 mg/g para el plomo y cobre, respectivamente. Ajustando al modelo de Langmuir-Freundlich, las cinéticas de adsorción resultaron de pseudo-segundo orden, se encontró que el tiempo de equilibrio es a los 140 min. El análisis espectroscópico y microscópico, corroboró la afinidad entre metales y grupos funcionales del agave, así como con el análisis elemental, el cual reportó 17.38% de plomo y 4.25% de cobre

    P-Lingua 2.0: New Features and First Applications

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    P-Lingua is a programming language for membrane computing. It was rst presented in Edinburgh, during the Ninth Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC9). In this paper, the models, simulators and formats included in P-Lingua in version 2.0 are explained. We focus on the stochastic model, associated simulators and updated features. Finally, we present two new applications based on P-Lingua 2.0: a tool for describing and simulating ecosystems and a framework (currently under development) for P systems design.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006–13425Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Carbon-supported statistically distributed polyethyleneimine/palladium (II) complexes as efficient and sustainable Sonogashira catalysts

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    We thank the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation, and the Junta de Andalucía for financial support (grants MAT2009-14185-C02-01, P09-FQM-4765 and a fellowship to A. Peñas). To CPL Carbon Link for kind donation of carbon samples. We also thank CICT of University of Jaén for technical facilities.A novel approach toward the obtaining of a Pd (II) carbon-supported catalyst based on a statistical distributed polymer (hyperbranched polyethyleneimine) and its use as a highly efficient and sustainable catalyst for Sonogashira-type coupling reactions is presented. The heterogenous Pd (II)/HBPEI catalyst fabricated through a facile, cost-effective and scalable procedure provides an innovative catalyst structure based on statistical distributed singular catalytic centers with well-defined Pd-Polymer chemical interactions, highly resistant to suffer leaching processes and extensively and homogenously distributed across the whole carbon surface. The catalyst exhibited excellent catalytic and recycling activity for several cross-coupling reactions between different aryl halides and terminal alkynes, free of any undesired by-product and in excellent yields, under air atmosphere, using water as solvent, at moderate temperatures (65 °C) and avoiding the use of phosphine derivatives, Cu(I) as co-catalyst and excess of any of the reactant. Therefore, the reported Pd(II)-HBPEI carbon-supported material can be considered a truly competitive heterogeneous Pd(II) catalyst for large-scale under green chemistry conditions.Spanish Ministry of Science & InnovationJunta de Andalucía MAT2009-14185-C02-01, P09-FQM-4765University of Jaén, CIC

    Intervención Didáctica con Estrategias de Aprendizaje Innovadoras para generar Comprensión en la disciplina Historia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consistió en realizar una Intervención Didáctica con Estrategias de Aprendizajes Innovadoras para generar comprensión en los y las estudiantes, además de determinar la importancia de la aplicación de metodologías activas, participativas e innovadoras en la disciplina de Historia, dado que esta se ha caracterizado por ser tradicional, academicista, y estimular el aprendizaje memorista en los estudiantes. El proceso de intervención se fundamentó en el paradigma socio-crítico porque promovió las transformaciones sociales, aplicando asimismo los elementos teóricos de la investigación acción y la etnografía educativa, para recopilar e identificar las situaciones problemas y dar soluciones a las mismas; el enfoque investigativo del presente trabajo tiene elementos del enfoque cualitativo y del cuantitativo, predominando el enfoque cualitativo por las técnicas e instrumentos aplicados durante la intervención didáctica, las cuales fueron: observación, diario de campo, encuestas y grupo focal. Entre los hallazgos encontrados luego de diez sesiones didácticas, es que la aplicación de Estrategias Didácticas Innovadoras, participativas y activas en la enseñanza de Historia generó comprensión en los y las estudiantes, quienes de acuerdo con el enfoque constructivista se posicionaron de un rol más activo, participativo y creativo, además de ser los constructores de su propio aprendizaje; el docente por otra parte, desempeñó el rol de guía, moderador, facilitar de información, y mediador entre los estudiantes y el aprendizaje. Por lo tanto, la innovación en el aula de clase durante la enseñanza de historia es necesaria, los docentes deben de aplicar estrategias didácticas innovadoras para generar comprensión de los contenidos que imparte

    Análisis preliminar de la diversidad y estructura arbórea-arbustiva del bosque mesófilo en el Sistema Volcánico Transversal de Michoacán, México

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    ResumenEl objetivo del presente análisis es determinar la biodiversidad y estructura del bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM) ubicado en el Sistema Volcánico Transversal de Michoacán (SVTM), actualmente amenazado por los intensos cambios de uso de suelo. A través de muestreos en transectos de 50×2m en un número variable de acuerdo con la superficie de los 11 fragmentos muestreados. Se encontraron 2 083 individuos que representaron a 57 especies arbóreas y arbustivas. Los resultados obtenidos con el índice de Shannon, los de similitud (Jaccard con 45% y Sorensen con 31% máximos), el diámetro normalizado, la estructura vertical y de copa demuestran una importante heterogeneidad en los fragmentos, pero con elementos florísticos de BMM. El 50% de las especies reportadas presentan un diámetro normalizado promedio entre 2.5–9.49cm y el 13% tienen <38cm. El área basal estimada va de 7.59 (fragmento 3) a 114.4m2 ha−1 (fragmento 6). Considerando el valor de importancia relativa sobresalen Styrax argenteus, Pinus pseudostrobus y Ternstroemia lineata como las especies dominantes en todo el BMM. En cada fragmento se observó que el BMM en el SVTM se encuentra confinado a barrancas y que la superficie de los fragmentos reportados por el Inegi están sobrestimados en su área. La comparación de las especies que se presentaron en los BMM analizados contra sitios cercanos y regionales del mismo ecosistema, resultó en una baja similitud, encontrándose que a mayor distancia mayor es la disimilitud de especies.AbstractThe objective of this study was to analyze the biodiversity and structure of Cloud Mountain Forest (CMF) located in the Trans Volcanic System in Michoacán (TVSM), Mexico, which is threatened by current land use changes. We sampled a variable number of 50×2m transects depending on the total area in each of 11 CMF fragments. We found a total of 2 083 individuals representing 57 tree and shrub species. Results obtained with species abundance, Shannon Index, Similitude (Jaccard with 45% and Sorensen with 31%, as maxim values for both), normalized diameter, vertical structure and cover showed an important heterogeneity in the fragments but with floristic elements from CMF. Fifty percent of reported species had normalized diameters between 2.5–9.49cm, and 13% had normalized diameters <38cm. Estimated Basal area ranged from 7.59 (fragment 3) to 114.4m2 ha−1 (fragment 6). Styrax argenteus, Pinus pseudostrobus and Ternstroemia lineata were dominant in terms of the relative importance value in all CMF fragments sampled. We observed that CMF in the TVSM is confined to ravines, and that area of fragments reported by Inegi was overestimated. Comparisons between the occurrence of species in the CMF analyzed and in nearby and regional sites with the same ecosystem, showed a low similitude, with a higher dissimilitude the distance to the CMF we studied was larger

    An Overview of P-Lingua 2.0

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    P–Lingua is a programming language for membrane computing which aims to be a standard to define P systems. In order to implement this idea, a Java library called pLinguaCore has been developed as a software framework for cell–like P systems. It is able to handle input files (either in XML or in P–Lingua format) defining P systems from a number of different cell–like P system models. Moreover, the library includes several built–in simulators for each supported model. For the sake of software portability, pLinguaCore can export a P system definition to any convenient output format (currently XML and binary formats are available). This software is not a closed product, but it can be extended to accept new input or output formats and also new models or simulators. The term P–Lingua 2.0 refers to the software package consisting of the above mentioned library together with a user interface called pLinguaPlugin (more details can be found at http://www.p-lingua.org). Finally, in order to illustrate the software, this paper includes an application using pLinguaCore for describing and simulating ecosystems by means of P systems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC04200

    A regional analysis of technical efficiency of urban transportation companies\ud in Spain

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    En el presente trabajo se investiga la eficiencia técnica de las empresas de transporte urbano colectivo en España durante el periodo 2010-2013. El estudio se realiza sobre 53 empresas que prestan su servicio en las principales ciudades españolas, clasificándolas por Comunidades Autónomas y utilizando una metodología no paramétrica (DEA). Se aplica un modelo orientado a inputs con rendimientos variables a escala. Con los resultados se ha fijado la posición de cada Comunidad Autónoma, evidenciándose que pocas empresas se sitúan en la frontera de eficiencia, así como las holguras existentes en los gastos de personal, aprovisionamientos, amortizaciones y otros gastos de explotación.In this paper the technical efficiency of urban public transport companies in Spain during the period 2010-2013 is being investigated. The study was performed on 53 companies operating in the main Spanish cities. These companies are classified by autonomous regions and their data are processed using a nonparametric methodology (DEA). An input-oriented model with variable returns to scale is applied. With the results the position of each region has been established, showing that few companies are at the efficiency frontier and existing gaps in staff costs, supplies, depreciation and other operating expenses

    Adsorptive Capacity, Inhibitory Activity and Processing Techniques for a Copper-MOF Based on the 3,4-Dihydroxybenzoate Ligand

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    Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules27228073/s1Acknowledgments: E.E. is grateful to the Government of the Basque Country for the predoctoral fellowship and R.F.M for the Junior Research Position CEECIND/ 00553/2017. S.R. acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Fellowship (grant agreement no. IJC2019-038894-I). The authors thank for technical and human support provided by SGIker of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF) and also wish to acknowledge the terrific help of all reviewers of the present manuscript, whose comments helped to improve the quality of the work.Funding: This work was developed within the scope of the projects given by the University of the Basque Country (GIU 20/028 Junta de Andalucía (B-FQM-734-UGR20, ProyExcel_00386 and FQM-394), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) (PGC2018-102052-B-C21) and the CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials (UIDB/50011/2020 and UIDP/50011/2020).Due to the fast, emerging development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the need for novel, efficient routes to battle these pathogens is crucial; in this scenario, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising materials for combating them effectively. Herein, a novel Cu-MOF—namely 1—that displays the formula [Cu3L2(DMF)2]n (DMF = N,N-dimethylformamide) is described, synthesized by the combination of copper(II) and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (H3L)—both having well-known antibacterial properties. The resulting three-dimensional structure motivated us to study the antibacterial activity, adsorptive capacity and processability of the MOF in the form of pellets and membranes as a proof-of-concept to evaluate its future application in devices.Government of the Basque Country for the predoctoral fellowship and R.F.M for the Junior Research Position CEECIND/00553/2017Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Fellowship (grant agreement no. IJC2019-038894-I)SGIker of UPV/EHUEuropean funding (ERDF and ESF)University of the Basque Country (GIU 20/028 Junta de Andalucía (B-FQM-734-UGR20, ProyExcel_00386 and FQM-394)Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) (PGC2018-102052-B-C21)CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials (UIDB/50011/2020 and UIDP/50011/2020